Monday, October 6, 2008

Oak Trees

Thought about something interesting today. As we are meeting on church structure and all the things that along with that, I have thought about GracePointe as a tree being pruned. Matthew talks about how Jesus will come along with pruning shears when necessary. You know how we all love those times...

But if we are a tree, I would pray that we are an oak tree. Oak trees have the most amazing root systems underground. They branch out and provide an unseen strength that lasts for generations. That's what I want to be involved in planting. And while we're on oak trees...I remembered something I heard when I was younger.

My Mom once told me that a tree's branches will never outgrow it's roots. In other words, the beautiful part we see of a tree can never be larger than it's root system underground. If the branches were larger than the roots, the tree would topple over. Maybe that's where we are at in a lot of ways. But as we begin to lay roots and create a system this tree can grow into, I really am praying that the Lord will find favor in what He sees, and that we will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water...who bears fruit in its season...whose leaf does not whither.

And whatever is done, it prospers.

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